Space Day
To bring space research closer to the public and to present the research plans that the scientists of the consortium CAERPIN (Czech Aerospace Research Institute) are preparing for the possible mission of the Czech astronaut Aleš Svoboda to the International Space Station. These are the main objectives of Space Day at VŠB-TUO. With the participation of the astronaut, the event will take place on 7 December in the planetarium of VŠB-TUO.
“We are following up on the MUNI Space mini-conference, which our Brno colleagues organised this June. The aim of the Ostrava meeting will be to present specific experiments that Major Svoboda will be able to implement during his mission to the ISS. We have assembled a team of experts from various application areas at the University of Applied Sciences whose task is to prepare feasible experiments in this short time. I am also pleased to see a lot of interest from the other universities involved in the consortium. I am convinced that this is a great opportunity not only for Czech science,” said Radek Martinek, coordinator of space research at VŠB-TUO and vice-dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at VŠB-TUO.
The auspices of the Space Day were taken over by the Ostrava Planetarium, which is part of the Faculty of Mining and Geology of VŠB-TUO. It is the third largest planetarium in the Czech Republic and the only one in the Moravian-Silesian Region.
“We think that the Axiom mission together with Major Aleš Svoboda is a wonderful thing that will bring the Czech Republic closer to space, and moreover, it will be possible to carry out many Czech experiments on board the International Space Station,” said Milada Svobodová, the head of the Planetarium, explaining the interest in cooperation.
The consortium was established on the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation in Space Exploration, which the partners signed in May 2023 on the initiative of Masaryk University. Together with other domestic universities, VŠB-TUO has also joined it.
10:00 Opening and introductory speech
Welcome to the participants and opening of the conference by Prof. Radek Martink (University Coordinator for Space Research) and Prof. Jan Platoš (Dean of FEI)
10:20 Space missions and their impact on Czech science
Presentation by Aleš Svoboda, who will share his views and experiences on the opportunities and challenges associated with space missions.
11:00 Presentation of the research teams of the CAERPIN consortium + their plans for research activities for Major Ales Svoboda’s mission
VŠB-TUO, MUNI, CTU, VUT, University of Defence
12:45 Moving on
Visitors will move to the FEI CPIT TL3 building (New Technologies Platform)
13:00 Lunch
Opportunity for networking and informal discussions.
13:45 Tour of FEI CPIT TL3
Tour of the laboratories and presentation of current projects in Industry 4.0, biomedical engineering and autonomous systems
14:45 Final discussion and definition of future goals
Discussion focused on defining the short and long term goals of the CAERPIN consortium.