Information day on the Call for Proposals (CFP) for ISS experiments
Following the RFI campaign from early 2024 and press conferences on 20 June 2024 and 2 September 2024, the Czech Ministry of Transportation is now initiating a formal Call for Proposals, in which Czech academic, industrial and other entities can propose activities to be implemented on the International Space Station (ISS).
The CFP campaign itself is administered by the European Space Agency (ESA) and will be opened on 16 September 2024 on the ESA Star portal.
We will organise an Information Day at the Ministry of Transport one week before the Call opens on 9/9/2024. During the morning, we will inform the participants about the purpose and content of the Call, its limitations, recommendations on how to approach it and where mistakes are typically made (ESA has experience with similar calls in Sweden and Poland). In the afternoon there will also be an opportunity to consult ideas with ESA staff during 10-minute face-to-face breakout sessions.
The event will be held in English, just like the CFP.
For a detailed programme, registration and further information, please visit https://www.czechspaceportal.cz/csp_event/info-day-k-vyzve-k-podavani-navrhu-cfp-na-iss-experimenty-9-9-2024/