Mini-conference Space MUNI

12. 10. 2023

Members of the consortium of universities called CAERPIN (Czech Aerospace Research Institute), which brings together Masaryk University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Brno University of Technology, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava and the University of Defence, met on 20 June at the Space MUNI Mini-Conference. Among the participants was Radek Martinek from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of VŠB-TUO.

Representatives of teams dealing with space exploration or manned spaceflight spoke at the mini-conference. Astronaut Aleš Svoboda presented the issue of manned spaceflight, analogue missions, the issue of stress in space and reproductive health of astronauts and astronauts.

“At this stage we expect from the conference an intensive discussion between the different teams, because we often find that the activities of scientists in different areas duplicate or overlap in various ways. We then plan to open the conference to the public in the autumn. I believe that Masaryk University can become a very important player in the field of space research and astronautics,” said Julie Dobrovolná on behalf of the Masaryk University team.